I, just like many others, have likely noticed that as you grow up life throws a lot more decisions at you. It seems as though the older you get, the more complicated and daunting the choices you have to make seem to become.
One of the most challenging decisions that I had to make was which college I wanted to go to. However, this just marks the beginning of the long road of life choices that I have in store.
Considering that each day is made up of choices, your decision skills have to be on point whether you are ready or not. Maturing is recognizing that sometimes you will make the wrong choices. However, it is up to you to determine how to go about handling the consequences of these decisions.
Alternatively speaking, your mindset when encountering these choices and their repercussions really determines whether you view the outcome as a consequence. Realistically, yes there are real consequences in the world, but some consequences can be viewed as life lessons.
It is also critical to accept the fact that the past can not be undone. Sure, maybe you have admitted to yourself that you’ve made a mistake or two. Yet, have you ever asked yourself whether or not you have forgiven yourself for that mistake? Learning to forgive and move away from the past is essential.
Dwelling on the past and how it has impacted you can lead to a life of regret and self depreciation. In opposition to this, strive to focus on how these past experiences have shaped you to be the amazing individual that you are today.
I personally have chosen to treat my difficult past experiences and mistakes as lessons and it has most definitely changed my life for the better.
On another note, it can also be self-rewarding to learn from the mistakes and regrets of others. Taking the time out of your day to ask your family and friends what they wish they would have done when they were younger is very beneficial.
Though everyone’s dreams are different, many people grow up regretting not pursuing their passions when they were younger. Recently, I made the decision to book a backpacking trip through Europe. I intend to travel all around Europe next summer during the month of July and I am beyond excited.
Personally, I believe that one of the best ways to live life fully is through the experiences and memories that you gain from immersing yourself in new cultures and meeting new people.
Many of my loved ones also encouraged me to travel and always remind me of how they regret not traveling more when they were younger. Though this choice was daunting, I know that I will not regret it because it will give me life and bring me so much happiness.
I really hope that you can do the same. Reflect on your life and ask yourself what you could do to make it more exciting. Take time out of your day to think about what you want to do with your life and start living it. Determine what you are most passionate about and what brings you the most joy.
When interviewing some of my closest family members, they said that it is essential to spend the rest of your life doing what you love. So rather than waiting to find the time for what makes you happy, start implementing a plan on how you can do what you love now.
Personally, I used to love to read, paint, bake, and be outside. Then suddenly, high school got more rigorous and college happened and I found myself rarely pursuing my favorite things.
I know from personal experience that it is very easy to get caught up in a busy schedule. Despite this, learning to step back and take time away from the chaos of life for yourself is amazing for your mental health. For me, writing this blog is one of my favorite ways to recharge.
Creating a schedule and holding yourself accountable to it can also make a drastic difference. When you stick to a schedule you can use your time more efficiently and allow yourself to do the things that you enjoy. Personally, I like to act more spontaneously when it comes to making the most of my free time. However, schedules are great for school work, don't get me wrong there. What I am trying to say is if you have time and you're bored and want to do something, go do it, what's stopping you?
For example, this past weekend I went to the KC market with one of my best friends and bought myself some pretty flowers. It was so much fun and made my heart so full.
When you take a step back from the complications of your life, everything is much simpler than you make it out to be. You must learn to thrive in your independence and make choices that will be best for you, even if sometimes the choice that you know you should make is not necessarily what you immediately wanted. It can be very rewarding to talk to your friends and family about whatever is going on. Real friends will be there for you regardless of the circumstances.
That being said, you need to show up for the people in your life that you value the most. It can be easy to get wrapped up in whatever it is you have going on. However, learning to check in and let the people you care about know how much they mean to you means a lot more to them than you may think. I know, because I have had friends support me and reach out to me during some hard times and it always makes everything just a little better, so be that person for them too!
At the end of the day, everything comes down to making intelligent life choices. You can decide whether or not you want to show up for the people that you care about. You are responsible for deciding how you want to use your time right now. Ultimately, your life is totally and completely up to you; it's just a matter of whatever you decide to do with it and where your life choices lead you.You are the author of your life.